Barzilay LTD.
Hair extensions in the method of gluing / Tape in
The product: Hair extensions by the method of gluing (gluing with double-sided glue) of the highest quality (human hair)
Connection method: Tape (gluing with dedicated double-sided glue)
More info:
40 units Each unit 4 cm wide can be changed according to the requirement in advance order (total weight 100 grams enough for a full head)
Style - smooth, wavy, curly, deep curl.
Hair length - from 16 inches to 32 inches.
Hue - Choose from a rich catalog of colors.
It is recommended to order an adhesive roll for reuse:
German adhesive roll - suitable for long-term use
Principles for attaching hair extensions in TAPE gluing:
1. Connect the extensions on clean overlapping hair with a quality shampoo and without the use of conditioner.
2. Attach the extension only to dry hair - make sure that the roots are not damp and completely dry.
3. Divide the hair into paths, keeping a distance of several centimeters between paths and also a space of several centimeters from the contour of the face.
It is recommended not to stick the extensions over the upper ear line and leave the line close to the back of the head empty so that the hair can be collected without seeing the extensions connections.
4. Choose a piece of hair that is neither small nor larger than the thickness of the extension.
5. Before peeling off the adhesive strip, tap the strip on both sides.
6. Peel the adhesive strip with your fingers or tweezers.
7. Laying the extension under the piece of hair we have chosen at this stage for professional use only you can add liquid glue to strengthen if necessary.
Care should be taken to place the extensions about two inches below the scalp, so that the extensions do not protrude and remain flat.
8. Then peel off the adhesive strip of another extension and stick it on the same piece of hair as well, (again, add liquid glue to strengthen if necessary) this time from above to close in the form of a "sandwich".
9. Strengthen the extensions by pressing. It is advisable to heat the connection with a pen or slider (very short press)
10. Repeat the action in the whole line. Usually 4 rows will suffice for a full head.
11. The toppings can be strengthened by using long-term American stickers or adding very little permanent glue to the toppings. Permanent glue for professional use only, the elasticity of the sticker may be damaged when using permanent glue.
Removal of hair extensions by TAPE gluing
Use of dedicated remover spray. You can also use a remover solution of other hair extensions.
Open the connection of the extensions using the pointed end of the comb - and remove the extension.
Thoroughly rinse the area of any remnants of the remover and remove the remnants on the hair using a dense comb. Serum spray could help.